Wednesday, June 19, 2019

한국JTS - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

한국JTS - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

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한국JTS(Join Together Society)는 정토회승려 법륜(현재 JTS 이사장)이 기아, 질병, 문맹 퇴치를 목적으로 설립한 국제구호 비정부 기구이다.

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1991년 불교성지를 순례하기 위해 인도를 방문한 법륜은 전정각산을 찾아 둥게스와리의 마을을 방문했을 때 200여명의 아이들이 길가에 늘어서 구걸하는 모습을 보고 구호사업을 결심하여, 1993년 8월 인도 콜카타 근교 보탈라(Botalla)에 의료 캠프를 개설하고 구호활동을 시작했다. 이때 설립된 인도JTS를 시작으로 1994년 뉴욕에 JTS가 설립되었고, 이어 1996년 8월에는 보건복지부로부터 사단법인 한국JTS 설립을 인가받아 본격인 구호활동을 시작했다.

2007년 1월국제 연합 경제사회이사회(UN ECOSOC)로부터 특별 협의 지위를 받았다.

아시아 지역을 중심으로 "아시아의 빈곤과 아픔은 아시아의 손으로 해결하자"는 목표로 갖고 활동하는 단체이다. 북한, 인도, 필리핀, 캄보디아, 스리랑카, 인도네시아. 미얀마, 라오스 등지에서 구호 및 개발 사업을 진행했거나 진행하고 있다.

불가촉천민들이 집단 거주하는 둥게스와리 지역에 수자타 아카데미를 설립하여 운영하고 있으며, 집단 콜레라 발병을 계기로 세워진 지바카 병원도 무료로 운영하고 있다.

분쟁의 땅으로 알려진 민다나오 섬에서 사업장을 운영하고 있으며, 알라원 마을을 비롯한 주변 오지 마을에 학교를 짓고 교재를 지원하는 교육사업을 진행하고 있다. 더불어 민다나오의 평화 정착과 전통문화 계승을 위한 사업도 진행하고 있다.

북한 룡천 열차폭발 사고의 복구를 지원하기도 했으며, 아프가니스탄 전쟁의 피난민 캠프에 식량과 교육기자재를 지원하거나 2008년 파키스탄 지진이 일어나자 피해지역에 파키스탄 군 헬기를 동원하여 구호물자를 전달하기도 했다. 2011년 도호쿠 지방 태평양 해역 지진 피해를 입은 이와테현미야기현에 구호물자를 지원하였고, 태풍 하이옌에 피해를 입은 필리핀 레이테 섬 타나우안에서 긴급구호를 실시하고 사마르 섬 2014년부터 사마르 섬 마라붓 지역에서 조기복구사업을 진행하여 교실 86칸을 복구했다.
운영 및 파견인력 전원이 무급 자원봉사자로 구성되어서 인건비 지출이 없기 때문에, 운영비 지출이 상대적으로 적은 편이다.
학교건축 등 개발사업은 JTS가 자재를 제공하고, 주민은 노동력을 제공하며, 정부에서는 기술자 임금을 제공하는 방식으로 주민참여를 강조한다.
국가나 다른 단체의 지원과 관심을 받는 지역 보다는, 가능하면 알려지지 않고 조금이라도 더 어려운 지역을 찾아 서비스를 제공한다.
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이 문서는 2018년 2월 11일 (일) 15:39에 마지막으로 편집되었습니다.

Korean Buddhist Humanitarian Organization JTS Offers Relief for Typhoon Mangkhut Victims in the Philippines
By Craig Lewis
Buddhistdoor Global | 2018-09-27 |

JTS Philippines distributes relief supplies in the wake of Typhoon Mangkhut. Image courtesy of Join Together Society

Soon after the powerful Typhoon Mangkhut slammed into Luzon, the largest and northernmost island in the Philippine archipelago, on 14 September, the Korean Buddhist humanitarian NGO the Join Together Society (JTS) rapidly deployed a team of volunteer relief workers to provide aid and assistance to communities affected by the super typhoon.

Led by field office head Lee Wonjoo, three JTS Philippines staff members traveled to Benguet Province from the JTS center in Libona Municipality in northern Mindanao, where they were joined by a team of six Korean volunteers to extend aid to the stricken area. Once in the field, the team surveyed the impact of the typhoon, and set up distribution system to supply local residents with basic staples and relief goods, such as rice and other food products, and essential household items, including mosquito nets, plates, spoons, cups, soap, stationery, and cooking utensils. The JTS volunteers were able to bring material relief assistance to some 440 households in Itogon, and a further 65 households in nearby Loacan.
Join Together Society founder Korean Seon master Pomnyun Sunim.* Photo by Jihea Kim

The Philippine’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported on 22 September that at least 95 people were killed by Typhoon Mangkhut (known in the Philippines as Typhoon Ompong), including 80 who perished in a mine collapse in the town of Itogon in Benguet Province.

“Although our relief activities have already concluded, the precious experience of helping these suffering communities remains with me,” JTS Philippines staff member Park Sihyun told Buddhistdoor Global. “On the first day, we visited and surveyed the areas affected by Typhoon Mangkhut. On the second day, we brought in relief supplies, and distributed them on day three.”

Founded as an expression of the compassion of engaged Buddhism and the belief that helping others is the best way to enrich one’s own life, Join Together Society International was established in 1993 by the Korean Seon (Zen) master Venerable Pomnyun Sunim.* Headquartered in Seoul, JTS operates program offices in South Korea, Germany, and the US, along with field offices in India and the Philippines.

Charged with bringing hope, empowerment, and self-reliance to underprivileged communities in developing countries, JTS is run and manned by unpaid volunteers, which ensures that all donations go toward benefitting the marginalized communities with which the organization works. JTS has already completed humanitarian projects in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, North Korea, and Sri Lanka.

According to an announcement by an adviser to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, some 5.7 million people in the Philippines were affected by the huge storm, with Luzon taking the brunt of the Impact. Damages were reportedly more than double the government’s worst-case-scenario expectation—the NDRRMC gave a preliminary estimate of the damage cost in the Philippines of US$392 million as of 25 September.
Coordinating the relief effort. Image courtesy of Join Together Society

“Local residents said their community had been left heartbroken by the loss of family members and homes to landslides caused by the Typhoon Mangkhut, yet they told us that the relief supplies provided by JTS were a great comfort,” said Park. “I still remember the grateful smiles we received while distributing aid, and I’ll never forget the enthusiasm of the volunteers. I hope from the bottom of my heart that the affected communities can be rehabilitated and returned safely to their homes as soon as possible.”

JTS Philippines, established in 2002, operates 51 project areas in 19 cities and municipalities in six provinces. It is engaged in a variety of humanitarian initiatives, including building schools, providing school supplies for disadvantaged students (such as uniforms, stationery, bags, and umbrellas), teacher-training programs, and community leadership training.

Typhoon Mangkhut, was a Category 5 super typhoon that emerged on 7–9 September, making landfall in Guam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, before dissipating over Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China on 17 September. Reaching a peak intensity of 285 kilometers per hour Mangkhut was the strongest tropical cyclone in the world, year to date, leading to the deaths of some 127 people and causing more than US$1.35 billion in damage to populated areas.
Evacuation center. Image courtesy of Join Together Society

* Engaging with Suffering, Realizing Freedom: An Interview with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim (Buddhistdoor Global)

See more

Join Together Society
JTS Philippines (Join Together Society)
JTS Philippines (Facebook)

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Related features from Buddhistdoor Global

Engaging with Suffering, Realizing Freedom: An Interview with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim
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Sea of Suffering: The Rohingya and the Conundrum of Buddhist Terror
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Benguet Province
buddhism in korea
disasater response
disaster relief
engaged buddhism
Join Together Society
JTS Philippines
Korean Buddhism
Lee Wonjoo
mahayana buddhism
natural disasters
Pomnyun Sunim
seon buddhism
social engagment
southeast asia
Typhoon Mangkhut
zen buddhism
Categories:Korea / Japan Southeast Asia Social Engagement
Wong Weng Hon
Annual landfalls of Typhoon in Asia and hurricanes in North America are annual massive destructions of human lives ,and other human and natural assets. They are conditioned by climate change , the number one enemy of UN Climate Taskforce . Military Wars are already very destructive . The massive strikes of annual Typhoons and Hurricanes are even more destructive . Only more God or Dharma or Tao or Brahman or Allah in inspired human beings will reduce the annual massive destructions caused by natural environment by environmentally unfriendly and selfish entreprenuers . Human minds must be reformed through religious education to reduce human wrecks upon the eco-system balance . Chinese Taoist Sage ,Men-Tzu says, " More Tao more help; less Tao less help ." It means that more God more help; less God less help. Many of us know this Law of Boomerang. But the noble or divine practice is not there.
reply | 27 September 2018, 7:54pm
Wong Weng Hon
I implore all victims of Typhoon in Asia and Hurricane victims in North America to stay calm .The ought to appreciate the compassionate humantarian aids rendered by their governments and charitable NGOs. All members of UN of the 2015 Paris Climate Deal ought to honestly fulfill their promised commitments to fight Climate Change together . Rich nations should reduce their budgets on arm races . They ought to spend more on climate races. All developing and underdeveloped economies should strive more diligently to develop their own strong national economies so that their national economies enjoy lasting economy independences .
28 September 2018, 6:55am
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Thursday, June 13, 2019

North Korea Working Group PART B: FOR CONSIDERATION

North Korea Working Group

 Does Yearly Meeting accept that we become the AYM North Korea Committee?
 We ask all Regional Meetings to publicise the Concern as widely as possible and to offer assistance to any Friends who wish to become involved

CRM: We are unsure about the appropriateness of the North Korea Working Group becoming an AYM Committee at this time. We hope that this will receive further exploration at YM19. 

NSWRM: We are not in unity with the working group’s request to become a Committee of Yearly Meeting. A travelling minute or Letter of Greetings could offer the same status of representing Friends that a committee would provide. We ask our newsletter and e-newsletter editors to promote the working group’s concerns regarding North Korea to Friends.

QRM: Whilst we appreciate the issues of whether the North Korea group continue as a working group or as a committee, we acknowledge that being a committee of AYM may assist them in dealing with humanitarian help for North Korea and in discussions with Department of Foreign Affairs.

SANTRM: SANTRM supports the establishment of an AYM committee on North Korea, but asks that this group commits to consulting with others who already operate in our region, such as those involved in AWPS (including Korean Friends), Quaker Service Australia or the Friends Peace Teams. We ask that Sejin provide regular updates to Walking Cheerfully, along with a continued invitation to participate.

TRM: TRM notes that we do not have committees for other areas of concern, such as Palestine, and feel that this should remain a working group that reports to a relevant committee.

VRM: We recognise the concern of working in North Korea and agree that the North Korea Working Group should become the AYM North Korea Committee. We appreciate learning about North Korea through the Regional Meeting newsletter.

WARM: We are unclear of the grounds by which a working group becomes an AYM Committee and the implications of this for AYM.