Friday, December 30, 2022

Biden needs to accept that the US can’t intimidate North Korea

Biden needs to accept that the US can’t intimidate North Korea


A flurry of North Korean missile tests has captured international attention, but a longer view of US military threats and diplomatic obstinacy is missing from the picture.

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un attends a welcoming ceremony and review an honor guard at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on March 1, 2019. Manan Vatsayayna/AFP via Getty Images
An increasingly tense standoff has been simmering on the Korean Peninsula for months, and is now escalating to a potentially “uncontrollable phase,” North Korean officials warn. Since August, the US and South Korea have conducted five major joint military exercises and numerous smaller ones—the most recent of which, Vigilant Storm, just concluded on Nov. 5 and involved over 240 military aircraft in the largest ever aerial drills the countries have conducted together.

Denuclearization may be off the table, but the possibility remains for dialogue on normalization and security, including a negotiated end to the Korean War.

In the same time frame, North Korea has conducted several rounds of weapons tests involving dozens of ballistic missiles. The largest of these occurred on Nov. 2 in response to the impending Vigilant Storm exercises and reportedly involved 23 missiles, two of which landed off the east coast of South Korea, and one of which landed in waters south of the Northern Limit line, a maritime buffer zone in the Yellow Sea. This is the first time North Korean missiles have landed in waters delineated as South Korean.

Other military exchanges have also occurred on a near-daily basis over the past two months. Barrages of US and South Korean missiles have been launched, usually without notice from Western media; hundreds of North Korean artillery rounds have been fired in military demonstrations; and both South and North Korean shows of force have occurred along the Demilitarized Zone and the Northern Limit Line.

While similar saber-rattling has certainly occurred in Korea in the past, the frequency and intensity of these military exercises in recent weeks are part of a dangerous game of escalation that has no off-ramp. The US has no diplomatic relations with North Korea, meaning the two states lack an official channel through which they could cooperate to de-escalate the situation. This is particularly worrying as recent military exchanges at the Northern Limit Line threaten to upend the 2018 inter-Korean military agreement, which has, until recently, kept the peace in disputed maritime areas.

The Biden administration seems determined to outmuscle North Korea, but the assumption that North Korea can, will, or should be intimidated through military force is as risky as it is outrageous. North Korea is taking unprecedented and bold steps to not only deter, but even to limit US military actions. This is indicative of a new DPRK strategy for dealing with Washington—one that Pyongyang itself has proclaimed and is currently being borne out in the escalating military struggle in Korea. Even if the two sides manage to avoid a clash now, they cannot avoid it forever, unless the US radically changes its approach to Korea.

In declaring itself a nuclear state, North Korea is seeking to internationally legitimize its nuclear weapons program as part of its sovereign right to self-defense. The self-imposed ban on sharing nuclear weapons technology with other countries is a step towards demonstrating responsibility for non-proliferation. This, crucially, means North Korea has now closed the door to negotiations with the US about its nuclear programs, marking the end of an era in relations between the two countries.

The crisis that has been unfolding since August began with the decision of the US and South Korea to proceed with the Ulchi Freedom Shield military exercises—a massive combined drill conducted throughout South Korea, including sites within just a few miles of the DMZ. Even in the year prior to Ulchi Freedom Shield, however, the situation in Korea had already deteriorated significantly. Weapons tests on the Korean peninsula reached a record high earlier this spring due to an arms race between the two Korean states that began in 2021. Yet from June to August 2022, no major North Korean military activities occurred. Ulchi Freedom Shield broke this pause, and also triggered a crucial shift in North Korean nuclear policy.

On Sept. 9, the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea’s official name) passed a new law codifying the country’s status as a nuclear state. This new legislation includes provisions that (1) prevent North Korea from engaging in negotiations regarding its nuclear program for the foreseeable future, (2) bar the sharing of nuclear technology, and (3) establish the legal conditions under which a preemptive nuclear strike may be authorized. In a speech the following day, President of the State Affairs Committee Kim Jong Un declared, “We have drawn the line of no retreat regarding our nuclear weapons so that there will be no longer any bargaining over them.”

This new law marks a significant departure from previous North Korean policy. Despite testing its first nuclear weapons in 2006, North Korea has never had a first-strike nuclear policy. In fact, its government did not even establish legal conditions for the use of nuclear weapons in any situation until 2013. This dimension of the new legislation can be understood as a response to South Korea’s “Kill Chain” doctrine—a military strategy promoted by recently elected far-right President Yoon Seok-Yeol, which enshrines the use of preemptive strikes against North Korea.

While most mainstream media outlets have emphasized the preemptive strike provisions of North Korea’s new law, its real significance arguably lies elsewhere. In declaring itself a nuclear state, North Korea is seeking to internationally legitimize its nuclear weapons program as part of its sovereign right to self-defense. The self-imposed ban on sharing nuclear weapons technology with other countries is a step towards demonstrating responsibility for non-proliferation. This, crucially, means North Korea has now closed the door to negotiations with the US about its nuclear programs, marking the end of an era in relations between the two countries.Two US B-1B Lancer strategic bombers, four South Korean Air Force F-35 fighter jets and four U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jets flying over South Korea during the “Vigilant Storm” joint air drill on Nov. 5, 2022, at an undisclosed location in South Korea. South Korean Defense Ministry via Getty Images


For over 30 years, negotiations concerning North Korea’s evolving nuclear programs have helped diffuse escalating tensions with the US on the peninsula. Until now, North Korea has been willing to bargain in exchange for normalization of relations and security guarantees. In 1994, a deal known as the Agreed Framework was reached based on such an arrangement. Pyongyang would dismantle its nuclear reactors in exchange for safer light-water reactors from the US, and the two countries would eventually establish formal diplomatic ties. The Agreed Framework fell apart because the US never provided the promised technology.

When Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump met in Hanoi in 2019, a US reporter asked Kim if he would be willing to dismantle North Korea’s nuclear weapons. Kim responded, “If I [wasn’t] willing to do that, I wouldn’t be here right now.” At that point, North Korea was chiefly concerned with lifting comprehensive US sanctions that had placed its economy in a stranglehold. It also needed the cooperation of the US in order to realize the goals of the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, a jointly agreed and signed North and South Korean roadmap for reconciliation and eventual reunification premised on ending the Korean War, which has never been formally concluded by a peace treaty. Instead of offering any leeway on these matters, Trump’s proposal to Kim in Hanoi stated that the US would offer nothing until North Korea dismantled all of its nuclear weapons, material, and facilities. In response, Kim and the North Korean delegation walked out of the summit.

As relations with the US deteriorated towards the end of the Trump administration, North Korea’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ri Son Gwon remarked, “In retrospect, all the practices of the present US administration so far are nothing but accumulating its political achievements. Never again will we provide the US chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns.”

The failure of the US to seriously engage in previous negotiations with North Korea has directly contributed to the latter’s recent policy changes, including formally establishing itself as a nuclear state. As relations with the US deteriorated towards the end of the Trump administration, North Korea’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ri Son Gwon remarked“In retrospect, all the practices of the present US administration so far are nothing but accumulating its political achievements. Never again will we provide the US chief executive with another package to be used for achievements without receiving any returns.

Washington’s conceit that it can disarm North Korea without a fight—or without making concessions—has brought us to this juncture. However, it’s important to stress that this does not mean a future diplomatic resolution is impossible. Denuclearization may be off the table, but the possibility remains for dialogue on normalization and security, including a negotiated end to the Korean War.

That being said, judging by the situation on the ground, a resumption of dialogue shouldn’t be expected any time soon. North Korea’s change in policy has been accompanied by a noticeable shift in the calculus guiding its military decisions. In the past, North Korea was more cautious about testing US resolve. Lately, North Korea has matched the US military’s shows of force, and in the process taken unprecedented steps. With the opportunity for diplomacy significantly reduced, North Korea is pursuing a policy of expanding deterrence against the US. While it is a common practice in Western media to ascribe a kind of ontological irrationality to North Korea, this kind of approach is as foolish as it is racist, because it ultimately only obscures reality. North Korea is sending a clear message to the US that it will no longer accept its freewheeling military behavior. Failing to take heed of these warnings will only push the region, and possibly the entire planet, closer to a catastrophic clash.A woman walks past a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of a North Korean missile test, at a railway station in Seoul on Nov. 3, 2022. Jung Yeon-je/AFP via Getty Images


Both Washington and Seoul condemned North Korea’s new law enshrining its nuclear status and warned of an “overwhelming, decisive response” should North Korea conduct another nuclear test. On Sept. 18, The New York Times quoted South Korean President Yoon saying his government and the Biden administration were prepared to deploy “a package of all possible means and methods” to deter North Korea, including recourse to nuclear weapons. On Sept. 23, the US escalated the situation further by deploying the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan to Busan for unannounced joint military exercises with the South Korean navy. This move provoked a flurry of missile tests from North Korea, including an intermediate-range ballistic missile that flew over Japan.

On Oct. 7, the Ronald Reagan returned to the East Sea1 for another round of surprise naval drills—this time including military vessels from Korea and Japan. This only exacerbated the situation, prompting even more military activity from the north and corresponding weapons tests from the south. In the second half of October, South Korea conducted its annual Hoguk military exercises with the participation of US troops, practicing an amphibious invasion of North Korea. The massive Vigilant Storm aerial exercises began shortly after the conclusion of the Hoguk exercises on Oct. 28. Like Ulchi Freedom Shield, each of these exercises was preceded by stern warnings from North Korea that were ultimately disregarded by the US and South Korea.

Prior to these incidents, North Korea had never before conducted missile tests with a US aircraft carrier present in Korean waters. In the past, similar maneuvers from the US would be principally met with fiery rhetoric; now, North Korea is responding with unprecedented military measures that signal a more aggressive approach to deterrence. Last week’s record barrage of North Korean missile tests drove this point home. A number of these missiles landed in waters off the southern part of the peninsula for the first time, and Pyongyang later clarified that the tests were intended to rehearse strikes against key South Korean and US military targets.

For Washington, deterrence means preventing North Korea from threatening the archipelago of overseas US military bases that stretches across East Asia and the Pacific. South Korea is the tip of a trans-Pacific spear pointed at the heart of China, now openly identified as the US’s chief rival. In other words, what is at stake for the US is its military hegemony in the region, which it needs to secure preferential “free market” arrangements in Asia.

These moves are about more than North Korea flexing its muscles—in upping the ante, Pyongyang is raising the risks incurred by Washington and Seoul should they engage in continued provocations.
 US military leaders and their South Korean counterparts have been careful to appear unfazed, but recently released documents from the Department of Defense offer some insight into how Washington is taking note of North Korea’s increasingly bold displays. The 2022 Missile Defense Review, released at the end of October, identifies North Korea as an “increasing risk to the U.S. homeland and U.S. forces in the theater,” while the complementary Nuclear Posture Review acknowledged North Korean military activity as a “deterrence dilemma” and “a persistent threat and growing danger.” The latter document also included a warning that “any nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its Allies and partners is unacceptable and will result in the end of that regime.”

As these and other official documents demonstrate, the US nominally views its military activity through the same framework of deterrence as North Korea does, yet there is an unevenness here that must be contended with. For Washington, deterrence means preventing North Korea from threatening the archipelago of overseas US military bases that stretches across East Asia and the Pacific. South Korea is a strategic pillar of this network of overseas bases—US troops have never withdrawn from Korea since the 1953 armistice, and 28,500 soldiers remain stationed there to this day. With an additional 50,000 US troops in Japan, and aerial and naval bases stretching from Guam to Hawai’i, South Korea is the tip of a trans-Pacific spear pointed at the heart of China, now openly identified as the US’s chief rival. In other words, what is at stake for the US is its military hegemony in the region, which it needs to secure preferential “free market” arrangements in Asia.

In contrast, North Korea is fighting for its survival against what has been, historically and presently, an existential threat. During the Korean War, the US dropped 635,000 tons of bombs and 32,557 tons of napalm on North Korea. By 1953, out of the 4 to 5 million Koreans who had been killed during the war, over 2 million people were killed in North Korea. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the shadow of nuclear annihilation loomed large over the hostilities, and remained for decades after—long before North Korea was even close to acquiring nuclear weapons. General MacArthur, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Presidents Truman and Eisenhower all threatened to use the atomic bomb with varying degrees of premeditation. From 1958-1991, the US stationed hundreds of nuclear weapons in South Korea, aimed at North Korea as well as China and the USSR. To this day, South Korea remains officially under the US nuclear umbrella, meaning the US will deploy nukes for its defense; North Korea has never had a comparable arrangement with another power.

This history rarely figures into US accounts of the conflict in Korea, and it does much to explain North Korean actions. For the past 72 years, North Korea has been dedicated to ensuring the survival of its people. With the door to diplomacy seemingly closed by US intransigence, Pyongyang is now opting to place even more emphasis on its capacity to conventionally deter US aggression.Thousands of candlelight action members, civic groups, and Seoul citizens hold a rally in front of the Seoul Finance Center to urge President Yoon Suk-yeol to resign and his spouse Kim Gun-hee to run a special prosecutor investigation on Oct. 29, 2022, in Seoul, South Korea. Chris Jung/NurPhoto via Getty Images


After the most recent North Korean missile launch on Nov. 9, one State Department official claimed, “We continue to seek serious and sustained dialogue with the DPRK, but the DPRK refuses to engage.” Taken in view of the longer history of US-North Korea relations, this is an incredibly self-serving statement. A closer look at the aforementioned 2022 Nuclear Posture Review recently released by the Department of Defense offers some insight into why US claims to openness have failed to bear fruit: “With respect to reducing or eliminating the threat from North Korea, our goal remains the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” Any mention of a peaceful resolution to the Korean War or normalization of relations with North Korea is notably absent from this position. The problem for the US is not the absence of a just peace, but North Korea’s capacity for deterrence in a situation of unfinished war. With this in mind, North Korea’s unwillingness to engage in negotiations at this time makes sense in the context of its own interests and historical logic. After all, what Biden is offering is ultimately no different than what Trump did: a demand for surrender, rather than a commitment to detente.

The current conflict may not boil over into open warfare, but that risk will only increase so long as the status quo in Korea set in 1953 continues to hold. The US has always had the option to de-escalate in Korea, and that possibility remains open today. The catch is that Washington must actually treat negotiations as negotiations, rather than as a shakedown. That will have to entail making concessions that were previously unimaginable: recognition of North Korea’s nuclear status, an end to US sanctions, full normalization of relations, a peace treaty to end the Korean War, and an eventual full military withdrawal from the peninsula. These are the only solutions that accord with the reality of the situation—North Korea has become a nuclear state to protect itself from constant US threats, and until those threats are fully removed they will remain a barrier to transforming the status quo of division and hostility in Korea.

These measures might alarm those who still cling to the idea that the US is defending democracy in Korea. If the democratic will of the Korean people is of such concern, it ought to be noted that the policies of current South Korean President Yoon, including his approach to North Korea, are widely unpopular. Thousands of people mobilized in August to protest the resumption of US-South Korean military exercises. Opposition was so extreme that it actually managed to unite South Korea’s rival trade unions; even more surprisingly, those unions stood in solidarity with the North Korean General Federation of Trade Unions. Support for North Korea is still a crime in South Korea, and it cannot be understated what an incredible risk these union leaders took in making a stand for peace. Since August, the movement calling for Yoon’s resignation has only grown, and is now being magnified even more as his administration’s bungled response to the tragic Itaewon disaster, which claimed 158 lives, continues to inflame passions.

There is no standard of ethics or democracy by which the US can continue to defend its position vis-a-vis North Korea. The ongoing Korean War is not only a threat to regional security and the lives of millions of people, it is also a deep scar on the psyche of the Korean nation. Countless families were separated by the war, enduring for generations the pain of national division in the most intimate terms possible. The constant threat of renewed war has deeply shaped the politics of both Korean states, and made the peninsula one of the most militarized places on earth for the better part of a century. Previous South Korean governments have demonstrated a willingness to move forward with North Korea, yet the US has stuck to its narrow interests, hiding behind a narrative of “national security” that conveniently belies the historical fact that it was the US that traveled thousands of miles searching for this fight. Until and unless the Biden administration reframes its goals towards removing itself as an obstacle to Korean peace, anything it says about openness to dialogue should be disregarded.

1 The waters between Japan and Korea are subject to a longstanding naming dispute. The name “East Sea” refers to the same body of water as the “Sea of Japan.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

JOY ELLEN YOON — Humanitarian Workers Needed on the Ground!

JOY ELLEN YOON — Humanitarian Workers Needed on the Ground!

Humanitarian Workers Needed on the Ground!

As North Korea’s (DPRK) borders remain closed due to the COVID pandemic, humanitarian organizations have not been able to return to North Korea. Extremely limited amounts of food and medicine are being transported across the China/North Korea border, but workers are needed on the ground to monitor the situation.

Mr. Frode Mauring, the UN Resident Coordinator for North Korea, recently reiterated that 40% of the population needs humanitarian support. Although these statistics are outdated from a 2018 survey, considering almost three years of border closings, there is no indication of the humanitarian situation improving. In fact, the opposite appears true.

The World Food Program (WFP) has not been able to operate in the DPRK this entire year. Yet, it is evident that at least 10.7 million out of 27.4 million people need humanitarian assistance. The current situation indicates that there is most likely a huge increase in severe malnutrition, particularly among children under the age of five.

Medical Visit to North Korea in 2007

Earlier this year, COVID spread throughout the DPRK with approximately 4.7 million people being infected by some form of a fever, which is approximately 18.5% of the population. Currently, COVID vaccination procedures are ongoing for residents in towns along the Chinese border as well as the capital city of Pyongyang.

However, both comprehensive health interventions and food security are only possible when humanitarian workers reside on the ground in North Korea. Unfortunately, all U.S. citizens are still banned from traveling to the DPRK. Humanitarian workers can apply for Special Validation Passports (SVP) from the U.S. State Department, but currently all applications are automatically being denied due to border closings.

The North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act of 2019 authorizes the provision of nonscheduled emergency medical services to the DPRK (Section 510.509) as well as humanitarian support for food, medicine, clothing, shelter, clean water, and health-related services (Section 510.512), but the Geographic Travel Ban (GTR) obstructs non-profit organizations from providing these life-saving humanitarian services. SVP application procedures can be lengthy and tedious, and at times even humanitarian workers themselves are denied permission to travel to the DPRK.

IGNIS Community Providing Medical Assistance in the DPRK

With the urgent need for humanitarian workers to be on the ground in North Korea, it is clear that a more expedited procedure is needed for humanitarian assistance to reach the neediest in North Korea. Potential solutions include amending the travel ban to include caveats for humanitarian workers to be exempt from travel restrictions. Or at the very least, Special Validation Passports need to be pre-issued for humanitarian organizations to be ready to go at a moment’s notice as soon as the borders to the DPRK re-open. As a result, several non-profit organizations with long-standing work history in the DPRK, such as IGNIS Community, are actively preparing to re-engage on the ground in North Korea.

November 30, 2022

JOY ELLEN YOON — Five Years Living Under Sanctions

JOY ELLEN YOON — Five Years Living Under Sanctions


Five Years Living Under Sanctions

In 2017, our family had just moved into our new apartment on the Foreign Diplomatic Compound in Munsu District Pyongyang, North Korea. For the first four years in Pyongyang, we lived in an isolated, heavily guarded compound on the west side of the city. There was no grocery store, clinic, or other English-speaking neighbors on our compound. Work and home were all that we had known for four years, apart from the occasional weekend outing.

When our request to move to the Foreign Diplomatic Compound was approved, we were ecstatic. It meant not only friends and neighbors for our children but also a new community in which to thrive. As it was, we were the first Americans in seventy years to have lived on this Diplomatic Compound!

But after many years of negotiating and waiting for this move, our stay was short-lived. Just when we were finally settling into a routine, normal life in North Korea, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was prematurely snatched away from us.

Foreign Diplomatic Compound in Pyongyang

Global tensions with North Korea escalated. Sanctions started to be enforced at unprecedented levels in 2016 and then again in 2017. By September, the U.S. State Department issued a Geographic Travel Restriction (GTR) forbidding U.S. citizens from traveling to North Korea. Consequently, our apartment was packed up, and our family said our good-byes to a land and people who had been our home for over ten years.

Sad as that was for our family, that was not the most tragic result of sanctions. The real tragedy was how the common people, especially young children and individuals with disabilities, suffered as a result of sanctions.

Working for years on the ground in North Korea was tedious and slow, but IGNIS Community was finally making headway in treatment for children with cerebral palsy and autism. A specialty hospital was being developed that included not only medical treatment and rehabilitation for children with developmental disabilities but also education for children with various special needs. It was the first treatment center of its kind within the entire country and also birthed special education for children with disabilities other than hearing and seeing impairments.

Providing Therapy and Education for Children with Special Needs in the DPRK

However, the progress of all those years came close to a complete standstill. Beginning in September 2017, all Americans, including humanitarian workers, were required to apply for Special Validation Passports in order to travel to North Korea, and global sanctions, including both UN and U.S. sanctions, restricted delivery of humanitarian aid. Humanitarian organizations subsequently had to apply for multiple licenses and exemptions from multiple departments.

Five years of global sanctions have taken their toll on everyday life in North Korea. Scalpels, needles, and basic medical equipment are in low supply. Women struggle to support their families as textile factories closed and work came to a halt. Humanitarian organizations pulled out of the country, resulting in children throughout the nation being left vulnerable.

Unfortunately, these conditions have persisted to today. Finally, on December 9, 2022, the UN Security Council passed a landmark resolution that allows a humanitarian carveout for sanctions worldwide. This is great news not only for the people of North Korea but also for people in need in other countries all throughout the world.

Unfortunately, U.S. sanctions remain in place, and obstacles still exist for humanitarian organizations to provide support for the people of North Korea. On the same day that the UN Security Council passed a humanitarian carveout, the U.S. announced new sanctions on North Korea. These new sanctions target border control authorities and are aimed at North Korea’s animation industry.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

From Soviet Origins to Chuch’e: Marxism-Leninism in the History of NK Ideology, 1945-1989


From Soviet Origins to Chuch’e: Marxism-Leninism in the History of North Korean Ideology, 1945-1989
A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Languages and Cultures 
by Thomas Stock 2018 
© Copyright by Thomas Stock 201


From Soviet Origins to Chuch’e: Marxism-Leninism in the History of North Korean Ideology, 1945-1989 by Thomas Stock Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Languages and Cultures University of California, Los Angeles, 2018 Professor Namhee Lee, Chair 

Where lie the origins of North Korean ideology? When, why, and to what extent did North Korea eventually pursue a path of ideological independence from Soviet MarxismLeninism? Scholars typically answer these interrelated questions by referencing Korea’s historical legacies, such as Chosŏn period Confucianism, colonial subjugation, and Kim Il Sung’s guerrilla experience. 

The result is a rather localized understanding of North Korean ideology and its development, according to which North Korean ideology was rooted in native soil and, on the basis of this indigenousness, inevitably developed in contradistinction to Marxism-Leninism. 

Drawing on Eastern European archival materials and North Korean theoretical journals, the present study challenges our conventional views about North Korean ideology. Throughout the Cold War, North Korea was possessed by a world spirit, a MarxistLeninist world spirit. Marxism-Leninism was North Korean ideology’s Promethean clay. From iii adherence to Soviet ideological leadership in the 1940s and 50s, to declarations of ideological independence in the 1960s, to the emergence of chuch’e philosophy in the 1970s and 80s, North Korea never severed its ties with the Marxist-Leninist tradition. On the contrary, this tradition constituted the basic and most fundamental raw material from which North Korean ideology was shaped and developed. The evolution of North Korean ideology was not predetermined by Korea’s historical legacies. Rather, a convergence of historically immediate domestic and international factors led to the emergence of an independent ideology, an ideology that despite its independence from Soviet ideological suzerainty remained situated within a global MarxistLeninist intellectual space. Though many scholars have argued otherwise, even chuch’e philosophy, the apex of North Korean ideological particularity during the Cold War, was hardly an idealism and instead quite reminiscent of a good old-fashioned Marxist-Leninist materialism.

[요즘 북한은] 북한 세쌍둥이 근황까지…“출산율 높여라” 외 / KBS 2022.06.18.

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[요즘 북한은] 북한 세쌍둥이 근황까지…“출산율 높여라” 외 / KBS 2022.06.18.

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11,770 views  Jun 18, 2022
우리 뿐 아니라 북한도 저출산 문제가 심각해지고 있습니다. 그래서 아이를 여럿 낳은 여성들을 ‘모성 영웅’이라 부르며 사회적으로 치켜세우는 등 출산율 높이기에 애를 쓰고 있는데요. 최근 북한TV에선 올해 10살이 된 세쌍둥이의 근황까지 전했습니다.

영상 함께 보시죠.

서로를 꼭 닮은 세 아기가 나란히 앉아있습니다

지난 2012년에 태어난 북한의 415번째 세쌍둥이.

경성, 경진, 경은입니다.
[조선중앙TV ‘415번째 세쌍둥이’ : 위대한 수령님의 탄생 100돌이 되는 4월 15일을 앞두고 415번째 세쌍둥이가 태어난 것은 온 나라의 경사였습니다."]
최근 조선중앙tv는 10년이 흘러 어엿한 초등학생이 된 세쌍둥이의 근황을 전했습니다. 

평양산원에서 태어나 100일을 보낸 뒤 이곳 평양육아원에서 4년간 자랐다고 합니다. 

소년단원복을 입고 6년 만에 찾아온 세쌍둥이를, 당시 돌봐줬던 보육원들이 반갑게 맞이하는데요.

혜택 속에 아이들을 기른 어머니의 입가에는 웃음이 떠나지 않습니다. 
[김순옥/세쌍둥이 어머니 : "우리 세쌍둥이는 복을 더 많이 타고난 것 같습니다. 우리 세쌍둥이는 육아원에서 경애하는 김정은 동지를 두 차례에 걸쳐 만나봤단 말입니다. 그러니까 얼마나 행복둥이들입니까."]
세쌍둥이가 태어날 때마다 ‘몇 번째’라는 호칭까지 붙이며 각별한 애정을 쏟는 이유는 뭘까요?

북한은 1990년대 고난의 행군 시기와 국제 제재 등으로 경제 위기를 겪으며 인구가 급격히 줄기 시작했습니다.

그러자 세쌍둥이를 강조하며 출산 장려 정책과 함께 당국의 보육과 복지 정책을 선전하고 있는 건데요.
[최정실/평양육아원 원장 : "(김일성 주석은) 세쌍둥이들이 많이 태어나는 것은 나라가 흥할 징조라고 말씀하셨습니다. 우리나라에서는 세쌍둥이가 태어나면 그들을 학교에 보낼 나이가 될 때까지 국가와 사회의 부담으로 돌봐주고 있다고 말씀하셨습니다."]
하지만 올해 발표된 북한의 합계출산율은 1.9명.

지난해 우리의 0.81명보단 높지만 전 세계 평균인 2.4명보다 낮은 수치로 198개국 가운데 119위입니다.

또 북한 여성들도 임신을 꺼려 출산율 높이기는 쉽지 않다는 분석입니다.

北 AI 교육 공들이기…“로봇한테 배워요”

이젠 AI, 인공지능을 접목한 산업이 세계적 추세가 되고 있고, 우리들 실생활에도 그 활용이 크게 늘고 있습니다.

요즘 북한에선 어린이들이 AI로봇의 도움을 받아 각종 로봇을 제작하고 있다고 하는데요.

AI를 어린이 교육에 적극 도입한 그 현장, 함께 보시죠. 

살짝 어색해 보여도 로봇이 사람처럼 팔을 휘저으며 춤을 춥니다.

대학에서 개발한 어린이 교육용 로봇인데요.

학생들의 지능개발을 위해 AI, 인공지능 기술이 적용된 로봇을 도입한 겁니다. 
["어린이의 지능을 개발시키는 교육 기술을 배웁니다."]
한 교실엔 어린 학생들이 만든 무토양 온실 로봇과 기중기 로봇 등 다양한 종류의 로봇이 모여있습니다.

학생들은 어떻게 이 로봇들

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“북 여성들, 아이 잘 키울 자신 없어 출산 기피” — RFA 자유아시아방송

“북 여성들, 아이 잘 키울 자신 없어 출산 기피” — RFA 자유아시아방송

“북 여성들, 아이 잘 키울 자신 없어 출산 기피”

평양산원에서 갓 태어난 아기가 누워있다.

앵커: ‘북한 경제, 어제와 오늘’ 시간입니다. 언론인이자 학자로서 북한 문제, 특히 경제분야를 중점적으로 다뤄온 문성희 박사와 함께 짚어 봅니다. 일본에서 북한 전문 언론인으로 활동중인 문 박사는 도쿄대에서 북한 경제분야 연구로 박사학위를 취득했습니다. 이 시간에는 북한에 나타나고 있는 시장경제체제의 현황과 그 가능성을 짚어보고 개선돼야 할 점까지 중점적으로 살펴봅니다. 대담에 박정우 기자입니다.

<기자> 북한에서도 저출산 현상이 심화한 것으로 나타났습니다. 문성희 박사님, 유엔인구기금 보고서에 따르면 북한 여성 1명이 자녀를 채 2명도 낳지 않는 걸로 조사됐군요. 북한의 저출산 현상, 얼마나 심각한가요?

문성희 박사(사진 제공:문성희)문성희 네, 유엔인구기금의 보고서에 따르면 북한의 합계출산율은 1.9명으로 집계됐다고 하네요. 이는 말씀하신데로 북한 여성 1명이 평생 자녀를 채 2명도 낳지 않는다는 것을 뜻합니다. 인구 유지를 위해 필요한 합계출산율이 2.1명에도 도달하지 못하고 있습니다. 유엔인구기금 보고서에 따르면 전 세계 합계출산율이 2.4명, 특히 최빈개발도상국의 출산율이 3.8명이기때문에 그것보다도 한참 낮은 숫자이지요. 2020년부터 2025년까지 북한 인구 증가율은 연평균 0.4%에 그칠 것으로 추산된다고 하네요. 정말 심각하다고 생각합니다.

솔직히 북한의 저출산이 이렇게 심각한 줄 몰랐어요. 다만 북한 당국은 이미 오래 전부터 출산을 장려해왔습니다. 제가 1996년 고난의 행군시기에 4개월동안 북한에 체류했을 때조차도 북한에서는 아이를 많이 낳을 것을 장려하고 있었습니다. 고난의 행군시기는 먹고사는 게 매우 힘드는 상황인데도 북한 당국이 출산을 장려하고 있었던 겁니다. 물론 아사자가 느는 상황에서 출산을 장려한다고 해서 얼마나 효과적이었을까 하는 생각은 듭니다. 1990년대 말 경에 김정일 국방위원장이 세 쌍둥이들을 만나서 부모들을 칭찬한 그런 일화도 있었습니다. 한꺼번에 3명의 아이를 낳았기 때문에 나라에 큰 도움이 된다는 것이지요. 북한이 국가적으로 출산을 장려했는데도 현실은 여전히 심각한 저출산 상황이 이어지고 있다는 데 문제의 심각성이 있다고 봅니다.

<기자> 전 세계 평균 출산율이 여성 1명 당 2.4명의 자녀를 출산하는 데 비해 북한 여성의 출산율이 꽤 낮은 편인데요, 그렇다면 어떤 배경으로 북한 여성들이 출산을 꺼리는 걸까요?

문성희 하나는 아이를 낳아봤자 키울 자신이 없다는 것이 있다고 생각합니다. 지금처럼 물가는 올라가는데 노임이 적거나 살아가는데 만족할 만한 자금을 확보하지 못한다면 아이를 낳고 키울 자신이 없지요. 이것은 뭐 북한에만 한정된 상황은 아니긴 합니다. 제가 2011년께 평양에 갔을 때도 평양여관 접대원 등과 얘기를 나누어 보니까 ‘아이는 한 명 밖에 없다’는 것이었습니다. 2003년에 한 가정주부 집을 취재했을 때도 아이는 한 명이었습니다. 생각보다 저출산이라는 것을 피부로 느꼈어요.

접대원과 이야기를 나누어 보니까 교육비가 많이 든다는 것을 알 수 있었습니다. 물론 학교는 무료이지만 예를 들어 아이를 무용수로 키우고 싶으면 좋은 선생님한테 개인적으로 교습을 받아야 하는데 그건 무료가 아니라는 것입니다. 각자 아이들한테 무엇을 시키고 싶은가 하는 것은 차이가 있지만 일류로 키우자면 역시 돈이 든다는 것입니다. 북한에서는 예술가가 되면 출세가 빠르지만 예술 분야의 좋은 대학교나 예술단에 들어가기 위해서는 전문 고등중학교에 갈 필요가 있는데 거기에 가기 위해서도 여러모로 돈이 필요하다는 그런 이야기도 현지에서 들었습니다. 그러니까 생활에 여유가 없다면 아이를 한 명 키우는 것도 매우 힘든 것이 아닌가 그렇게 생각을 합니다.

그러나 서양이나 한국, 일본처럼 여성들이 일을 계속하고 싶기 때문에 아이를 낳지 않는 건 아니라고 봅니다. 육아는 탁아소 등을 통해 비교적 국가 차원에서 잘 지원되고 있기 때문에 그런 이유로 아이를 낳지 않겠다는 여성은 드물다고 생각합니다. 그런 측면에서는 탁아소가 직장 인근에 있거나 해서 여성들이 아이를 키우면서도 일을 할 수 있는 환경은 조성되고 있습니다.

다만 북한에서는 결혼을 한 여성들도 가정주부가 되는 것이 아니라 기본적으로는 일을 계속하는 경우가 많습니다.

평양 외곽의 한 유치원에서 어린이들이 놀고 있다.

<기자> 이렇게 출생율이 낮으면 노동력 부족 문제가 발생할 듯한데요?

문성희 네, 그렇겠지요. 심각하다고 생각합니다. 안 그래도 지금 북한 인구는 한국의 절반 정도라고 보는데 앞으로 저출산이 지속되면 노동력 부족 문제가 계속 발생하겠지요. 노동력 뿐만이 아니라 아마도 군대에 입대하는 인구도 적어지기 때문에 국방 측면에서도 북한 당국은 심각하게 여기고 있다고 봅니다.

<기자> 북한 당국으로서도 이렇게 출산율이 낮은 문제를 시정하려는 노력을 펼치고 있지 않나요? 이런 시책에 대한 북한 여성들의 반응은 어떻던가요?

문성희 아까도 이야기했듯이 출산율이 낮은 요인은 많은 아이를 낳고 키울 환경이 조성되지 않고 있기 때문이라고 봅니다. 그러니까 북한 당국으로서는 여성들이 안심하고 아이를 낳고 키울 수 있는 그런 환경을 조성해야 한다는 것입니다. 그런 측면에서 가장 중요한 것은 교육 부담이 적어진다는 것이겠지요. 북한이 12년제 의무교육을 실시해서 유치반부터 의무교육을 실시하는 것은 그런 측면도 있다고 생각합니다. 그리고 최근에는 교육에 대한 부담을 적게 하기 위한 시책들도 펼치고 있다고 봅니다. 아마도 그렇게 해준다면 북한 여성들도 안심해서 아이를 두 명, 세 명 낳을 수 있는 것이 아닌가 생각합니다.

그리고 또 하나는 주택문제가 있다고 생각합니다. 좁은 집에서 조부모부터 손자까지가 함께 살 경우도 있는데 그렇게 되면 아이를 더 낳자는 생각도 못 가지게 되겠지요. 그러니까 이런 가정들에게는 되도록 넓은 집을 마련해주는 것도 중요하다고 생각합니다. 아마도 그런 시책은 북한에서도 생각을 하고 시행하고 있다고 봅니다.

다만 북한 여성들의 반응은 제가 직접 듣지 못했기 때문에 잘 모르겠습니다. 보도 등을 보면 아이들의 교복을 당국에서 싼 값으로 공급해주거나 그런 것에 대해서는 “매우 고맙게 생각한다”고 말하는 그런 보도도 가끔 있습니다.

<기자> 한편 북한도 인구 고령화 현상이 두드러지고 있다는데요, 65세 이상 인구 비율이 10%로 조사됐다는군요. 북한에서 겪으신 노인문제, 어떻던가요?

문성희 글쎄요. 북한에서는 정년퇴직 연령이 되면 기본적으로 모두 은퇴를 합니다. 좀 전까지 자주 평양 지국에 놀러오던 당 일군이 갑자기 안 오게 될 때가 있었던데 듣고 보니 정년 퇴직을 했다는 것이에요. 그러나 그런 분들은 국가에서 생활을 보장해주기 때문에 별 걱정은 없다는 것이었어요. 그러나 일을 하고 싶은 사람부터 보면 좀 더 일을 하고 싶다는 생각은 있겠지요.

고령자들은 고령자들끼리 모여서 야외에서 놀거나 낚시를 하는 모습 같은 것을 많이 보았습니다. 손자를 돌보는 것도 고령자들의 역할이지요.

물론 치매 고령자도 있다고 생각하지만 그런 현상은 바깥에 밝혀지는 것은 아니기 때문에 잘 모르겠습니다.

다만 고령자시설이 있어서 일정한 나이가 되면 그런 곳에 들어가게 되거나 그런 현상은 없었습니다. 기본적으로는 가족들이 책임을 지고 고령자들을 돌보고 있었어요. 제 친구는 자강도에서 이제 은퇴를 한 부모들을 모시고 함께 살게 되었습니다. 그 때 좁은 집에서 넓은 집으로 이사를 갔어요. 그런 부분에서는 북한 당국도 많이 생각하고 있다고 느꼈습니다.

<기자> 문 박사님, 오늘 말씀 감사합니다.

기자 박정우, 에디터 박봉현, 웹팀 이경하

Thursday, November 3, 2022

북한, 또 탄도미사일…'비질런트 스톰 연장 비난' 직후 발사(종합) | 연합뉴스

북한, 또 탄도미사일…'비질런트 스톰 연장 비난' 직후 발사(종합) | 연합뉴스

북한, 또 탄도미사일…'비질런트 스톰 연장 비난' 직후 발사(종합)

2022-11-03 22:03


박정천 "돌이킬 수 없는 실수" 담화 약 1시간 뒤 재차 도발

북한 탄도미사일 발사
북한 탄도미사일 발사

※ 기사와 직접 관련이 없는 자료사진입니다. (조선중앙통신=연합뉴스) [국내에서만 사용가능. 재배포 금지. For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution]

(서울=연합뉴스) 김지헌 기자 = 북한이 3일 오후 동해상으로 미상 탄도미사일을 발사했다고 합동참모본부가 밝혔다.

군 당국은 자세한 미사일 제원 등을 분석 중이다. 이는 북한이 이날 4번째 발사한 탄도미사일이다.

이 발사는 한미 공군의 연합공중훈련 '비질런트 스톰'(Vigilant Storm) 기간 연장에 대한 반발로 추정된다.

비질런트 스톰은 당초 지난달 31일부터 닷새 일정으로 오는 4일까지 이어질 예정이었으나 최근 잇따른 북한 도발에 기간 연장이 이날 오후 결정됐다.

이에 박정천 북한 중앙군사위 부위원장이 이날 오후 8시 38분께 조선중앙통신에 공개한 담화에서 "매우 위험하고 잘못된 선택"이라며 "돌이킬 수 없는 엄청난 실수"라고 비난한 지 약 1시간 이후 탄도미사일이 발사됐다.

앞서 북한은 이날 오전 7시 40분께 평양 순안 일대에서 동해상으로 ICBM을 발사했으며 최고 고도 약 1천920㎞, 비행거리 760㎞, 최고 속도 약 마하 15(음속 15배)로 탐지됐다.

발사 후 1단 추진체와 2단 추진체는 각각 성공적으로 분리됐지만, 이후 탄두부가 비행하던 중 추력이 약해 제대로 속도를 내지 못한 것으로 전해졌다. 이 미사일은 북한의 최신 ICBM '화성-17형'으로 군이 판단한 걸로 알려졌다.

이와 함께 북한은 오전 8시 39분께 평안남도 개천 일대에서 단거리 탄도미사일(SRBM) 2발도 발사했다. 비행거리 약 330㎞, 고도 약 70㎞, 속도 약 마하 5로 탐지됐다.

SRBM 2발은 개천에서도 발사 장소가 조금 떨어져 있는 것으로 전해졌다. 최근 잇달아 북한이 발사한 북한판 이스칸데르(KN-23), 북한판 에이태큼스(KN-24), 초대형 방사포(KN-25) 등의 계열로 추정된다.

북한은 이날 ICBM을 포함해 이틀째 강도 높은 무력 도발을 이어오고 있다.

지난 2일 북한은 분단 이후 처음으로 동해 북방한계선(NLL) 이남으로 탄도미사일을 발사했다. 이 미사일이 울릉도 방향으로 날아온 탓에 울릉군에는 공습경보가 발령됐다.

뿐만 아니라 2일 하루에만 SRBM과 지대공 미사일 등 약 25발의 미사일을 퍼부었고 또한 강원도 고성군 일대에서 동해상 NLL 북방 해상 완충구역 내로 100여 발의 포병사격도 가했다.

우리 군은 F-15K와 KF-16 전투기를 동원해 슬램-ER 장거리 공대지미사일 2발, 스파이스 2000 유도폭탄 1발을 NLL 이북으로 날려 보내며 맞대응에 나섰다.

북한 미사일 뉴스 나오는 울릉 여객선터미널
북한 미사일 뉴스 나오는 울릉 여객선터미널

(울릉=연합뉴스) 손대성 기자 = 3일 경북 울릉군 울릉읍 사동항 여객선터미널에 설치된 TV로 북한 미사일 관련 뉴스가 나오는 가운데 여행객이 TV 앞을 지나가고 있다. 이날도 북한이 동해상으로 탄도미사일을 발사했다고 합동참모본부가 밝혔다. 2022.11.3

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

North Korea claims US soldiers cut child’s arms off in latest hate campaign | NK News

North Korea claims US soldiers cut child’s arms off in latest hate campaign | NK News

North Korea claims US soldiers cut child’s arms off in latest hate campaign

State media airs footage of armless woman saying she’s a war crime victim in new anti-U.S. propaganda push

North Korean children must “never forget” brutal atrocities allegedly committed by the U.S. during the Korean War and abandon “fantasies” about Americans who still threaten war, state media said in a report Wednesday. 

Korean Central Television (KCTV) aired scenes in a regular evening news program of a propaganda museum employee named Ri Ok Hui telling young children that unnamed U.S. soldiers killed her father before cutting off her arms when she was a 7-year-old girl. 

The news segment comes as part of a new anti-U.S. hate campaign initiated by authorities in major state media outlets in June, and was aired a day before U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris landed in Seoul for talks about the DPRK with the South Korean president.

Pyongyang took down anti-U.S. propaganda posters and removed similar explicit references to Washington from major outlets to help facilitate bilateral talks in 2018, but NK News has uncovered evidence that posters stayed up in some places and that visits to “class education” museums continued in that time. 

An old photo of Ri on display at the museum | Image: KCTV (Sept. 27, 2022)

“Despite the passing of all these years, the wounds of the pain and misfortune inflicted by the American imperialists still burn in the hearts of our people,” a KCTV anchor said to start Wednesday’s news segment. 

State media has reported Ri’s story in detail before and she has worked at the Central Class Education House for decades telling the same story to visitors. “Class education houses” are museums that feature exhibits chronicling alleged U.S., South Korean and Japanese war crimes as well as ideological threats such as religion and the dangers of foreign culture. 

KCTV used dramatic music and camera angles while showing Ri’s talk to visiting children. She cried while telling them “the American imperialist enemy bastards and class enemy bastards” — the latter referring to South Korean soldiers — shot her wrists before sawing off her arms with glee.

A young boy named Kim Yu Myong tells a state TV reporter he won’t have positive thoughts about the U.S. anymore | Image: KCTV (Sept. 27, 2022)
A mural inside Pyongyang’s Central Class Education House depicts U.S. and South Korean soldiers massacring North Korean civilians | Image: KCTV (Sept. 29, 2022)

A young boy interviewed by KCTV said Ri’s talk helped him understand that “harboring fantasies about the enemy is nothing but a self-destructive act,” implying children his age have positive impressions of the U.S. A young girl said she learned to “never forget” America’s actions during the war.

This echoes a report in top DPRK newspaper Minju Joson last week that said all people must “kill their fantasies” about the U.S. and possess “burning hatred for and hostility towards” America and other “enemies.”

DPRK leader Kim Jong Un and the ruling party have also heavily promoted efforts in recent years to eliminate existing interest among youth in foreign culture and media, which state media characterizes as a threat to Kim’s rule.

The students’ teacher told state TV viewers that the “blood and tears will flow once again on this land” from a new invasion if today’s generation doesn’t learn from stories of U.S. and South Korean war crimes, and that she’ll work harder to instill anti-U.S. education in the students.

Young girls listen to Ri’s story at the Central Class Education House | Image: KCTV (Sept. 27, 2022)

Andrei Lankov, a director at NK News and professor at Kookmin University, wrote in July that massacres and atrocities were committed during the 1950-53 Korean War but that historians believe most were by Koreans of either side, not Americans. He added it has become impossible to verify most individual accusations due to lost or mishandled evidence. 

To start the latest anti-U.S. campaign in June, North Korean authorities set up posters of nuclear missiles destroying the American mainland and gathered thousands of workers for a rally in Pyongyang to “vow revenge on the U.S. imperialists.” 

However, the posters were old designs, and evidence has yet to emerge that authorities are displaying such posters on public streets like they were in 2017 and before. 

State media has typically increased anti-American propaganda during times of conflict or when rallying the public around new weapons developments such as nuclear tests or new long-range missile launches. 

Seung-Yeon Chung contributed to this report. Edited by Arius Derr

Monday, October 3, 2022

북한내부 관광특구에서 중국인 손님맞이 준비 개시... 김정은이 주도한 삼지연 | 아시아프레스 북한보도

<북한내부> 관광특구에서 중국인 손님맞이 준비 개시... 김정은이 주도한 삼지연 | 아시아프레스 북한보도

<북한내부> 관광특구에서 중국인 손님맞이 준비 개시... 김정은이 주도한 삼지연

2021년 11월 삼지연을 방문한 김정은. 노동신문에서 인용.
◆ 외화난 심각해 관광에 큰 기대

중국과의 국경과 가깝고 명승지 백두산의 기슭에 위치한 양강도 삼지연에서, 중국인 관광객을 맞이하기 위한 설비 점검 및 보수와 종업원 훈련이 시작된 것으로 알려졌다. 양강도에 사는 취재협력자가 조사해 9월 중순 전했다. 북한은 신종 코로나바이러스 팬데믹 발생 후 국경을 전면 봉쇄해 중국과의 무역과 관광이 멈춰, 경제난이 심각해지고 있다. 중국인 관광이 재개될지 주목된다. (강지원 / 이시마루 지로)

삼지연은 2016년 11월 김정은이 세계 수준의 국제관광특구 건설을 명령해, 자주 현지 시찰한 국가의 중요 프로젝트이다. 돌관공사를 계속해 2019년 12월 준공했다. 관광업은 UN 안보리 경제제재 대상 외이고, 백두산 등산을 내세우며 중국으로부터의 관광객을 끌어들여 외화 수입을 얻자는 의도였다.

그런데 준공한지 1개월 후 중국에서 코로나 감염이 확산하기 시작하면서, 북한은 즉각 중국과의 왕래를 금지했다. 지금까지 삼지연에는 한 명의 중국인 관광객도 오지 않았다.

◆ 중국어와 매너 교육 재개

삼지연에서의 관광 재개를 향한 움직임은, 도 관광국이 중심이 되어 시설의 보수와 서비스 업무 종사자 훈련, 두 가지로 시작되고 있다. "호텔과 관광시설 유지보수 공사를 위해 '도시건설대'라는 행정조직이 투입돼 매일 점검 작업을 하고 있다"라고 협력자는 말한다.

접객 부문에는 새로운 인원이 추가 배치되어 본격적인 교육이 시작되고 있다.

"훈련은 호텔과 관광시설의 직원 전원이 참가해야 한다. 중국어 학습은 필수이고, 접대원, 안내원들의 접객 매너를 집중적으로 교육한다고 한다. 평양에서 전문 교원도 파견돼 왔다. 도의 관광국장은 삼지연에 거의 살다시피 한다. 곧 국경이 열리고 무역도 재개할 것이라고, 양강도 사람들의 기대는 크다"

많은 외국인과 접촉하는 것을 상정했을 것이고, 당의 관광 방침과 정치학습도 하루 2시간씩 실시된다고 한다. 일과는, 오후 2시까지 학습하고 나머지 시간은 인근 농장에 동원돼 감자 캐기를 하고 있다고 한다.

◆ 직원은 배급이 부족해 굶주린 상태

하지만 삼지연에 보내진 사람들의 생활은 고달플 것이다. 협력자는 다음과 같이 설명한다.
"서비스 부문에 배치된 인원에게는 열흘 치의 식량 배급을 주고 합숙생활을 시키고 있는데, 식사량이 적어서 힘들다고 한다. 특히 평양과 도에서 선발돼 배치된 젊은 사람들이 힘든데, 무슨 이유라도 대서 고향으로 돌아가려 하지만 '퇴거증명서'를 발급해주지 않아서 머무르고 있다. 중국 관광객이 오면 돈을 벌 수 있다고 생각해 어떻게든 견디자는 상황이다"

※ 북한에서는 직장을 바꾸려는 경우, 당국이 주는 '퇴거증명서'가 필요하다. 그것이 없으면 새 직장으로 옮길 수 없고, 배급도 받지 못한다.

◆ 관광 재개는 중국에 달렸다

9월 26일, 북중 간 철도 무역이 4개월 만에 재개됐다. 길어지는 코로나 봉쇄 탓에 외화 부족으로 신음하는 북한으로서는 꼭 관광 재개를 서두르고 싶겠지만, 조만간 사람의 왕래가 완화될 가능성은 높지 않을 것이다.

우선 중국 입장에서, 북한의 방역 체제와 정보의 투명성 결여에 대한 불신이 강하다. 또한 원래 중국은 '제로 코로나' 정책을 견지하고 있어서, 입국자의 격리를 계속하는 등 외국과의 사람 왕래를 강하게 통제하고 있다.

또한 백두산의 등산 시즌은 겨울철을 맞이하며 곧 종료된다. 삼지연에서 실제로 관광이 재개되는 것은 내년 봄 이후가 되지 않을까.

※ 아시아프레스는 중국 휴대전화를 북한에 반입해 연락을 취하고 있다.

양강도 지도. 제작 아시아프레스