Friday, March 24, 2023

[23조] 협동농장은 어떻게 운영하나

[23조] 협동농장은 어떻게 운영하나:

NK투데이/헌법으로 보는 북한

2023. 3. 24.

[23조] 협동농장은 어떻게 운영하나

군협동농장경영위원회, 노력일, 북한, 북한농업, 북한헌법, 분조관리제, 작업반우대제, 포전담당제, 협동경리, 협동농장

북한 사회를 깊이 이해하기 위해서는 북한 사회 구조와 작동 원리를 알아야 한다.
이를 위한 가장 좋은 교재는 북한 헌법이다.
헌법을 분석하다보면 북한 사회의 기본 이념과 국가 정체성, 사회 구조와 작동 원리, 국가 정책과 노선을 잘 알 수 있다.
이에 nk투데이 편집부는 북한 헌법을 하나하나 파헤쳐보는 연재를 기획하였다.
분석할 북한 헌법은 현재 한국에서 입수할 수 있는 가장 최신판인 2019년 8월 29일 최고인민회의 제14기 제2차 회의에서 수정보충한 헌법을 기준으로 한다.
또한 표기법은 한국의 맞춤법을 따르되 불가피한 경우 북한 표기를 그대로 두었다.
북한 헌법은 통일부, 법무부, 법제처가 공동 운영하는 통일법제 데이터베이스(에서 누구나 열람할 수 있다.

농촌에서 ‘협동적 소유’를 ‘전 인민적 소유’로 만든다는 것은 쉽게 말해 협동농장을 국영농장으로 바꾸는 것이다.

북한은 협동농장을 국영농장으로 전환하기 위한 세 가지 과제를 제시한다.

북한 헌법 23조에 명시된 세 번째 과제를 살펴본다.

③ 협동경리에 대한 지도와 관리를 개선하여 사회주의적 협동경리 제도를 공고·발전시키기

군 협동농장 경영위원회 중심의 농업지도 체계

북한의 협동농장은 리 단위로 존재한다.

협동농장 경영은 협동농장 관리위원회에서 한다.

군 단위에는 군 협동농장 경영위원회가 있어 이들 협동농장 관리위원회를 지도한다.

더 위로 올라가면 도 농촌 경리위원회가 있고 내각에 가면 농업위원회가 있다.

북한의 농업지도 체계는 농촌경리를 행정적 방법이 아니라 기업적 방법으로 지도하는 전문 농업지도기관 체계로서 군 협동농장 경영위원회를 기본으로 하고 도 농촌 경리위원회와 농업위원회로 이루어져 있다고 한다.

여기서 ‘기업적 방법’이란 공업 부문에 적용되는 선진적인 기업관리 방법으로 기술 지도를 강화해 모든 경영을 계획화, 조직화한다는 것을 말한다.

여기서 계획화란 협동농장에서 국가 과제를 수행하기 위한 구체적인 계획을 세우고 그에 따라 생산과 경영을 하며 계획 과제를 질·양적으로, 지표별로 수행하고 최대한의 실리를 얻는 것을 중요한 내용으로 한다.

또 조직화란 협동농장에서 계획 수행을 위해 농민을 대상으로 사업을 하고 평가를 실속 있게 하며 생산 단위들 사이의 연관과 영농 공정의 진행 순서와 질서, 경영의 모든 측면별 사업들 사이의 연관과 사업 진행 절차를 빈틈없이 맞물리는 실무 사업을 중요한 내용으로 한다.

북한은 국가가 협동농장의 생산과 경영을 통일적, 계획적으로 지도한다.

자본주의 농업은 어떤 작물을 누가 어떤 방식으로 재배하여 어떻게 판매할지 개별 농장이 직접 결정하기 때문에 생산에서 무정부성이 나타난다.

이에 따라 특정 농산물 가격이 폭락하거나 폭등하는 농산물 파동이 끊이지 않는다.

이는 식량 안보 문제로까지 이어진다.

북한은 이를 막기 위해 정부에서 농업 계획을 세워 어떤 작물을 누가 어떻게 재배해 어떻게 유통할지를 결정한다.

여기서 특히 중요한 것은 주먹구구식 농사가 아니라 과학기술에 따른 농사를 지어 생산량을 보장하는 것이다.

이를 위해서는 농기계사업소 등을 갖추고 협동농장에 과학기술 지도까지 하는 군 협동농장 경영위원회가 핵심적인 역할을 해야 한다.

국가 차원에서 농업을 지원할 때도 농기계, 농업 기술, 농자재 등을 주로 지원하기에 이런 시설을 갖추고 있는 군 협동농장 경영위원회가 중요하다.

군 협동농장 경영위원회는 농기구공장, 종자관리소, 관개관리소, 농기계사업소, 자재공급소 등의 국가기업소를 운영하며 군 단위 농업 발전계획을 세우고 집행하는 하나의 농업종합기업소의 역할을 한다. (김영훈, 「북한 농업농촌의 변화」, 『KREI 북한농업동향』 제12권 제3호, 한국농촌경제연구원, 2010.11.11.)

작업반 우대제, 분조관리제, 포전담당제

한편 협동농장 내부의 조직 형태를 보면 협동농장 관리위원장 밑에 생산조직과 관리조직이 있고, 생산조직에는 농산작업반, 채소작업반 같은 작업반들이 있으며, 각 작업반은 작업 분조로 구성된다.

10~30명 규모의 분조를 기본 생산 단위, 생활 단위로 운영하는 제도를 분조관리제라 한다.

각 분조에는 일정한 농지와 농기구, 소 등을 배정하며 소출에 따라 분배받는다.

북한은 분조관리제가 농민을 집단경리 관리 운영에 적극 참여시켜 협동농장에 대한 주인의식을 높이고 집단주의 정신, 공산주의 사상을 키우는 제도라고 한다.

한편 협동농장 농민의 보수는 노력일 평가제로 결정된다.

노동자는 계약에 따라 일한 만큼 정해진 생활비를 받지만 협동농장의 농민은 그렇게 받을 수 없다.

한 해 농사가 잘되면 협동농장의 수입이 늘어나고, 반대로 농사가 안 되면 수입이 줄어들며 협동농장의 수입에 따라 소속 농민이 받는 보수가 정해진다.

한편 국영농장의 농민은 노동자와 같이 생활비를 받는다.

협동농장은 수입의 일부분을 농민에게 분배하는데 모든 농민이 동일한 보수를 받는 게 아니라 기준에 따라 노동의 양과 질을 종합적으로 평가해 그것에 맞게 분배한다.

이 기준을 노력일이라 부른다.

북한의 노력일 평가제는 소련의 집단농장(콜호스)에서 문제가 된 ‘평균주의’를 극복하기 위한 제도다.

즉, 모든 농민에게 동일하게 분배하는 평균주의가 아닌 ‘능력에 따라 일하고, 일한 만큼 분배받는’ 제도를 세운 것이다.

협동농장 초기에는 작업반 단위로 분배에 차등을 주었고 1990년대 중반에 분조 단위로 차등을 주었으며 2000년대 중반에는 분조를 더 나눠 소규모 분조(2~3개 농가) 단위로 차등을 주다가 2010년대 중반 들어 북한은 포전담당제를 전면화하였다.

 (장경호, 「포전(圃田)담당제 바로 알기」, 한국농정신문, 2018.3.2.)

이전 기사 : [헌법으로 보는 북한-23조] ② 농업과 공업이 유기적으로 결합하는 방식

관련기사[헌법으로 보는 북한-23조] ② 농업과 공업이 유기적으로 결합하는 방식
[23조] 노동자와 농민 사이에 사상·기술·문화 수준의 차이가 발생하는 이유
[21·22조] 사회주의 사회에도 노동자, 농민은 계급적 차이가 있다
[20조] 사적 소유와 사회적 소유의 2가지 근본적 차이

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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Land of Prison Camps, Starving Slaves Abt, Felix: Kindle Store A Land of Prison Camps, Starving Slaves and Nuclear Bombs? eBook : Abt, Felix: Kindle Store

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Felix Abt

A Land of Prison Camps, Starving Slaves and Nuclear Bombs? Kindle Edition
by Felix Abt (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

5.0 out of 5 stars 2 ratings

from $0.99Read with Our Free App

Test your North Korea knowledge! The author who has lived and worked in North Korea for seven years invites you to find out how much you have been misled and lied to about North Korea by the media, pundits and activists. He is happy to share insight and a more balanced view of the world's most isolated, under-reported and misrepresented country.

Readers’ Feedback:«A compelling departure from the universal story.»
—Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of 150 books

«Finally, the truth about North Korea. Felix Abt takes us inside the ‘Hermit Kingdom,’ and he shows us that the caricature we’re fed by the western media simply isn’t true. Do you want to know what life in North Korea is really like? Read this book.»
—John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

«Swiss businessperson Mr Abt draws upon data and seven years of personal experience living and working in North Korea to demonstrate that nearly everything the Western media thinks they know about North Korea is either passé or inaccurate. A must read for anyone commenting on the Hermit Kingdom especially the mainstream media and their so-called 'expert' sources.»
—James Hyams, journalist and film maker, founder of the Watchdog Film Festival — the first and only film festival that screened investigative films diving into worlds otherwise unknown.

«Abt concludes his book by noting that, 'given the dominant U.S.-centric North Korea narrative, with no other voice to offer balance or express the true reality, it is hard to blame the general global populace for accepting the situation as America and its supporters wish it to be viewed.'
Perhaps if more Americans learned about the history of the Korean War and its barbarism, they might show some empathy for North Koreans and try and better understand the country’s policies; or perhaps, if more foreign exchanges are established, they might press their government to end the brutal sanctions and to pursue a formal end to the Korean War.
Until that time, we can expect that North Korea will be continuously invoked as a reference point for tyranny and its leader ridiculed, in quasi-racist fashion, as a clownish dictator.»
—Jeremy Kuzmarov, book author and managing editor of CovertAction Magazine, an investigative magazine with a focus on the activities and abuses of the CIA and other issues such as surveillance technology, prison system, U.S. wars and the environment.

«When it comes to North Korea we are usually fed Western propaganda, or shown the excesses and often lies about what North Korea represents. Once again Felix Abt has created something nuanced that only someone who has spent so much time in the country could produce. But it is also much more than just opinions about North Korea, this book offers some stark realities of what might befall us if policies don’t change as we waltz into Cold War 2.0»
—Gareth Johnson, founder and CEO of Young Pioneer Tours, a travel company specializing in tourism to countries including North Korea, Cuba and Iran.

«North Korea exists in international discourse as a land where cartoon villains keep millions of tragic innocents trapped in a huge, country-sized prison. While criticisms can certainly be made about the country, the extreme demonization is grotesquely unfair. Felix's message that these are real people in a real society is extremely important.»
—Nury Vittachi, writer based in Hong Kong, editor of, news of Asia without the Western lens. He authored dozens of fiction, non-fiction and children’s books.
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Sunday, March 5, 2023

Meeting with a delegation from the "Council for Neutral Unified Korea"

 Fwd: Rencontre avec une délégation du "Council for Neutral Unified Korea" (Meeting with a delegation from the "Council for Neutral Unified Korea")


Vana Kim Hansen

Mar 3, 2023, 2:27 AM (3 days ago)

to Okkyung, me, Yujin, Una, Insoo


View original message

Always translate: French

Hi family,

I just wanted to give you a heads-up with good news about our Swiss Tour.

Our trip to Swiss is set for June 13-20, as we are granted a 1.5-hour meeting on June 16 with a Swiss parliament member focusing on Swiss-Korea relations. Many other meetings will be arranged around that meeting. I attached my communication with Mrs. Chantal Chetelat Komagata, who is championing our cause.

I have a one-way ticket to Korea on April 2, another from Seoul-Geneva, and another from Geneva-LA.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Vana Kim Hansen < >

Subject: Re: Meeting with a delegation from the "Council for Neutral Unified Korea"

Date: March 2, 2023 at 7:39:59 AM PST

To: Chantal Chetelat Komagata < >

Cc: Melanie Komagata < >

Dear Chantal,

Thanks for the good news. This is our highly anticipated response from the Swiss.

We will prepare for the historic meetings with Mr. Wasserfell and others in the Swiss Parliament.

And we will look into booking airline tickets from Seoul to Geneva on June 13 and 16.

Vana K Hansen, Ed.D.


Council for Neutral Unified Korea

On Mar 2, 2023, at 2:25 AM, Chantal Chételat Komagata < > wrote:

I just got an answer from the parliamentarian Wasserfallen. He can organize a meeting on June 16, 10:30 to 11:30!

sent from my Iphone

Chantal Chetelat Komagata

+41 76 400 43 85 tel & WhatsApp

Beginning of transferred message :

Of: Christian Wasserfallen < >

Date: March 2, 2023 at 10:47:47 UTC+1

AT: Chantal Chetelat Komagata < >

Object: AW: Meeting with a delegation from the "Council for Neutral Unified Korea"

Dear Madam Chetelat Komagata,

I could only arrange one other appointment:

It would be Friday, June 16 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Would that be possible ?


Christian Wasserfallen

— - - — - - — - - — - - — - - —

Dipl. Masch.-Ing. FH // Nationalrat // // vertraulich

Will: Chantal Chetelat Komagata < >

Date: Mittwoch, 1. March 2023 um 22:24

Year: Christian Wasserfallen < >

Betreff: Re: Meeting with a delegation from the "Council for Neutral Unified Korea"

Dear National Councillor,

Even if I understand that you are in the middle of a session and that essential discussions for Switzerland are being dealt with, I allow myself to insist on receiving an answer to my request:

Could you invite the delegation to meet you for about an hour in the parliament and answer their questions relating to our model of neutrality and a strong army? Would it be possible, for example, on the last Friday afternoon of the session or just after, since they would be in Switzerland until June 20?

If this is not possible in the Federal Palace, what about in a nearby room? I will of course take care of arranging meetings with them and sending you their questions in advance.

Good evening and cordial greetings,

Chantal Chetelat Komagata

On 25 Feb. 2023 at 06:54, Chantal Chételat Komagata < > wrote:

Dear Mr. Wasserfallen,

Thank you for your reply.

Here is what I expect from you: Could you invite the delegation to meet you for about an hour in the parliament and answer their questions relating to our model of neutrality and a strong army? Would it be possible, for example, on the last Friday afternoon of the session or just after, since they would be in Switzerland until June 20?

Our country is a model for many citizens of the world and in particular for Koreans, since Switzerland plays a special role there through the NNSC in the demilitarized zone. This delegation from the Council for a Neutral Korea will benefit from your experience and continue to encourage the two Korean governments to move forward in a peaceful and cooperative direction.

And of course, I understand that parliamentary sessions take a lot of energy and time, with heavy responsibilities, also as chairman of the Swiss-Korean parliamentary group.

I am grateful to you to see what it is possible for you to do and to tell me to what extent I can on my side facilitate this meeting.

Have a great weekend and warm regards,

Chantal Chetelat Komagata

On 24 Feb. 2023 at 17:22, Christian Wasserfallen < > wrote:

Dear Madam Chetelat Komagata,


Thank you for your request.

In June, the session of Parliament will take place. It will be a great challenge for me to participate in this meeting. What exactly do you expect from me?



Christian Wasserfallen


— - - — - - — - - — - - — - - —

Dipl. Masch.-Ing. FH // Nationalrat // // vertraulich


Will: Chantal Chetelat Komagata < >

Date: Freitag, 24. February 2023 at 11:07

Year: Christian Wasserfallen < >

CC: Claude Béglé < >, Mélanie Komagata < >

Betreff: Meeting with a delegation from the "Council for Neutral Unified Korea"

Dear National Councilor Wasserfallen,

Just before the start of the spring session, I am writing to you about the Korean peninsula. We had already exchanged messages about this in the past. Claude Béglé, who has supported numerous peace initiatives on the Korean peninsula, is in Cc.

In June, from June 6 to 13 or from June 13 to 21, depending on your availability, the Council for a Unified Neutral Korea is planning a visit to Switzerland. It will be made up of a dozen international Koreans and are particularly interested in learning more about Swiss neutrality and its military. She adds: "The Korean people will be most interested in seeing what the Swiss neutral state is doing on a day-to-day and ongoing basis to keep its permanent neutrality intact from neighboring countries". As long as you are the president of the Swiss-Korean parliamentary group, please organize a meeting in parliament with this delegation that I will be accompanying. I am convinced that this exchange will open up new horizons of cooperation and contribute, through good offices, to a peninsula at peace. Below is the explanation given to me by Ms. Vana Kim Hansen ( ), residing in California, who is organizing the tour.

Since UPF is an NGO with general consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN, I also intend to organize, with the UPF and IAYSP team, a "side-event" at the UN.

Finally, my daughter, Mélanie Komagata, who has just defended her Master's thesis at the University of Geneva on "The Neutralization of Korea Based on the Swiss Model of Neutrality: A Solution for Security and Peace on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia" will also be interested in the exchanges and the result of this meeting (also in Cc)

Message from Ms. Kim Hansen:

Our delegation is composed of international Koreans (scholars and peace activists). One highlight will be the meeting with the North Korean Ambassador to Switzerland, Han Tae-song, to engage in a dialogue about the Neutralization of the Korean Peninsula and its benefits for both North Korea and South Korea, as well as for East Asia and the whole world. Another highlight is our visit to locations that show Switzerland's strongly militarized neutral state. The Korean people will be most interested in seeing what the Swiss neutral state is doing on a day-to-day and ongoing basis to keep its permanent neutrality intact from neighboring countries.

Council for Neutral Unified Korea is a non-profit organization (NPO) authorized by the Ministry of Unification of Korea. It was established in 2001 and has been active for over twenty years. It is the center for studies about the neutralization and unification of the Korean Peninsula.

Dr. Kang Jong-il is the founder and executive director since his inception. He obtained his Ph.D. in International relations from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His doctoral dissertation was on King Gojong's declaration of neutralization (1904). He works on a shoestring budget, without an assistant, and sends monthly newsletters to 300+ mailing list members. He published dozens of articles and several books on the subject, including the history of the NPO.

I became a co-chair of the NPO three years ago as an international Korean and American citizen. I have dual citizenship and can travel freely to Pyongyang with my Canadian passport when entry to North Korea is closed to American citizens. I obtained my doctoral degree from Harvard University in Education.

My family left Korea in 1964 to be free from the country that condemned the descendants of those who moved to North Korea. My grandfather, Lee Jong-Man, went to North Korea when he lost hope for the future of South Korea going under US military rule after Japan surrendered. He was a Daedong socialist thinker and labor activist while he was the owner of the Daedong enterprise, the largest of its kind at that time. He set out to transform the agricultural sector of Joseon(Korea) in the 30s with his vision to create a nation where all who work can live well together. During the 28 years of his life in North Korea, among other things, he served as the Chairman of the United Front of DPRK and held a vision of a permanent neutral unified Korea until he died in 1977. My mother and I inherited his vision. He was awarded a medal for the unification of the fatherland and is buried in the Patriots Cemetery in Pyongyang.

I came up with the idea of ​​the Swiss Tour from the wide-open international perspective I have cultivated as a longtime (58 years) immigrant in the west. And Kang Jong-il quickly joined me. Now a number of scholars are paying attention to what we are doing. We will cap the delegation to under twelve people, including a documentarist. Korea becoming a neutral state like Switzerland is still an impossible and unreachable goal and an unrealistic dream for the Koreans. So I have been writing articles on the neutralization of Korea for a major left-leaning online newspaper in South Korea: Hanion.

I've attached the two English articles by Kang Jong-il.

Looking forward to receiving favorable news from you, I send you my most cordial greetings,

Chantal Chetelat Komagata

Secretary General UPF Switzerland

Coordinator for UPF Europe

MS El. Eng. EPFL

MA rel. Ed.UTS, USA

+41 76 400 4385 (cellular & WhatsApp)

Of: Chantal Komagata < >

Date: June 10, 2021 at 08:39:17 UTC+2

AT: Christian Wasserfallen < >

Object: Webinar on the Korean Peninsula with Divisionaire Gauchat: June 10, 4 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.


Dear National Councilor Wasserfallen,

You have already heard about the video conferences on the Korean peninsula organized by UPF. Attached is today's flyer.

You will probably be too busy in Bern, but as chairman of the Swiss-Korean parliamentary group, the series might interest you. You will find the reports of the previous conferences in these links: ILC 2021 or here . I will send you the report of this one if you are interested.

I wish you an excellent day contributing to making the right decisions for an exemplary Switzerland and send you my most cordial greetings,

Chantal Chetelat Komagata

Secretary General UPF Switzerland

Coordinator for UPF Europe

+41 76 400 4385 (cellular & WhatsApp)

On March 2, 2021 at 9:51 PM, Christian Wasserfallen < > wrote:

Guten Tag,


Ich danke herzlich für die Einladung. Ich muss allerdings um diese Zeit eine digital Versammlung leiten. Bitte entschuldigen Sie mich und grüssen Sie Herrn Beglé freundlich von mir. Danke vielmals.


Viele Grüsse // Sincerely // Kind regards

Christian Wasserfallen


— - - — - - — - - — - - — - - —

Dipl. Masch.-Ing. FH // Nationalrat // // vertraulich


Will: Chantal Komagata < >

Date: Dienstag, 2. March 2021 at 21:44

Year: Christian Wasserfallen < >

Betreff: Fwd: Korean Peninsula Webinar: March 5, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Begin forwarded message :

Of: Chantal Komagata < >

Subject: Korean Peninsula Webinar: March 5, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Date: March 2, 2021 at 9:39:20 PM UTC+1


Mr. National Councillor,

As chairman of the Swiss-Korean parliamentary group, here is, in a series of webinars organized by the Universal Peace Federation on peace and security in North-East Asia, an event that might interest you and to which I would like invite you:

March 5, 2021, 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Registration :

What economic model would help North Korea develop while ensuring a peace process on the Korean Peninsula? 

I hope you will find the time to participate.

Great night,

Chantal Chetelat Komagata

Coordinator for UPF Europe

+41 76 400 4385 (cellular & WhatsApp)