Asia West Pacific Topics | Food Security Issue
Adrian Glamorgan <>
Oct 17, 2021, 12:46 AM (4 days ago)

Each Sunday Quakers worship in different places, and at different times.
You are warmly invited to share news of Friends around the World
Join us in upholding the following gatherings of Friends' groups this weekend:
Belgium & Luxembourg Yearly Meeting
German Yearly Meeting
QUNO Geneva committee
Online Yangon Meeting (you are invited to join it - alternately 8:30am (17th October) and 8:30pm (next week) Yangon time on Sundays. Email <> for a link so you can join the Yangon meeting. I'm also sending on some sobering information about food security in our region.
Here's news of an upcoming Quaker Conversations zoom, and some background information that you or your meeting might find useful
Upcoming Zoom - Quaker Conversations: Food Security Saturday October 30
UN 2020 Report on Asia Pacific Food Security (January 2021)
Food Security in Afghanistan
Food Security in India: Dalit, tribal women among worst victims of India's hunger crisis
Food Security in North Korea
As ever, may your meetings be gathered!
Adrian Glamorgan
Secretary, FWCC Asia West Pacific
Quakers & Food Security in Asia West Pacific
Quaker Conversations: What does food security mean to you?
The United Nations recognises food security as having physical, social and economic access at all times to sufficient, safe and nutritious food. What does this mean to you and fellow Friends around the world?
We will be joined by Professor Molly Anderson, an expert in sustainable food systems who will talk about her work in the climate and biodiversity negotiations and what impacts food security is having on our human rights. We will also hear from Epa Ndahimana, an expert on cassava as a climate resilient crop, who will share his work and local perspectives on farming, exploring unpredictable climate conditions and the impact on successful crop harvests and livelihoods.
Come, listen, and learn with Friends around the world to understand what food security is and explore what it means to you. Saturday 30th October, 7pm (UK time)
Register via zoom.
UN Report: Maternal and child diets will improve Asia Pacific nutrition (January 2021 report)
The report, ‘Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2020: Maternal and Child Diets at the Heart of Improving Nutrition’ found that 1.9 billion people were unable to afford a healthy diet in this region, even before the COVID-19 outbreak and the damage it has since caused to economies and individual livelihoods. The report was published jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the World Food Programme and the World Health Organization. See:
Food Security in Afghanistan
What the Taliban Takeover Means for Food Security in Afghanistan Center for Strategic and International Studies Report September 27. See:
Food Security in India: Dalit, tribal women among worst victims of India’s hunger crisis
While more than 60 percent of Indian women are anaemic as they eat last and the least, rising hunger levels hit the marginalised most: Al Jazzeera 13 October
Food Security in North Korea: "Starvation risk"
Mr Tomas Ojea Quintana, UN special rapporteur on human rights, warned "The most vulnerable children and elderly are at risk of starvation...
Sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council should be reviewed and eased when necessary to both facilitate humanitarian and lifesaving assistance." From The Straits Times October 13, 2021 . See
In Friendship,
FWCC Asia West Pacific Section
Global Quakers Connect
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