Photo Albums - N. Korea Farm Rehabilitation Program, Global Food Crisis Fund - Church of the Brethren
N. Korea Farm Rehabilitation Program, Global Food Crisis Fund
A photo album showcasing the Ryongyon Farm Rehabilitation Program in North Korea that is sponsored by the Church of the Brethren's Global Food Crisis Fund. The Church of the Brethren is now in its sixth year of funding the program, since 2004. This album also highlights the work of Dr. Pilju Kim Joo of Agglobe Services International, a ministry partner with the church. Dr. Joo serves as chair of the Ryongyon Joint Venture that oversees the farming enterprise. Photos are courtesy of Dr. Joo. Click on the first image below to view the photo album with captions.
Ryongyon Farm Rehabilitation Program in North Korea
A view of beautiful North Korean countryside
A garden with apple and plum trees
A kitchen team at a farm in North Korea
Checking cotton plants in a trial field in North Korea
Inspecting young apple trees in North Korea
Constructing a greenhouse at the North Korean farm program
Growing plants in a greenhouse in North Korea
A rice trial field at the Ryongyon Farm program in North Korea
A flooded field grows rice in North Korea
Markers in a trial field of rice varieties
Workers prepare to thresh rice in North Korea
An aphid infestation on a cotton plant
A cottonfield ready for harvest
Cotton growing in North Korea
A cultivator used on one of the North Korean farms
Drying corn at the side of an asphalt road in North Korea
Cotton is dried in a greenhouse
Cotton is dried outdoors
New housing at one of the farms in North Korea
A kindergarten at one of the farms in North Korea
A classroom at a farm kindergarten
Dr. Joo meets kindergartners
A mechanization center at a farm in North Korea
Dr. Joo meets with a farm technical director
Dr. Joo with Work Team No. 1 in the rice fields
A church choir in North Korea
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