WHO | Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2014
Noncommunicable diseases country profiles 2014
World Health Organization

Publication details
Number of pages: 210
Publication date: July 2014
Languages: English
ISBN: 978 92 4 150750 9
Full report: NCD country profiles 2014
pdf, 2.79 Mb
NCD profiles by country
In September 2011, WHO released the first set of Noncommunicable Diseases Country Profiles, highlighting the status of NCDs in each WHO Member State. This second set of profiles builds on this earlier report and provides an updated overview of the NCD situation for each country. The focus in these new profiles is on presenting information for each country related to their NCD mortality, risk factors and national systems capacity to prevent and control NCDs. The profiles include the number, rates and causes of deaths from NCDs and trends in NCD mortality since 2000; the prevalence of selected risk factors; and information describing current national responses to prevention and control of NCDs.
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