Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Strategic Priority Two: Social Development Services

Strategic Priority Two: Social Development Services

Strategic Priority One: Food and Nutrition Security

dprk health wash social development
The United Nations Strategic Framework aims at achieving three key outcomes for food and nutrition security:
  1. Increased sustainable food production, productivity and processing in agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and livestock.
  2. Enhanced livelihoods, notably equitable household access to sufficient diversified food all year, in particular among the most vulnerable groups
  3. Improved nutrition status, especially for women of reproductive age and children under 5, the elderly, as well as any vulnerable groups identified.

Planned activities

Through targeted support, the United Nations assists the Government to:
  • Contribute to reduction of stunting, wasting and micronutrient deficiencies through a nutrition programme
  • Provide an integrated package of nutrition specific interventions, and life-saving treatment in 89 counties
  • Support nutrition education and communication for exclusive breastfeeding, and age appropriate complementary feeding
  • Supported nutrition emergency response at national and provincial levels
  • Provide nutrition assistance to approximately 650,000 children and women each month in 60 counties in nine provinces. Nutrition support for children and pregnant and nursing women, aims to prevent undernutrition and reduce micronutrient deficiencies, including through the local production of fortified foods.
  • In case of an emergency, such as floods or drought provide emergency food assistance
  • Promote access to improved quality seed and livestock breeds
  • Support enhancing fingerlings production
  • Assist towards reducing post-harvest losses

Selected achievements

  • Community-based management of acute malnutrition services expanded geographically to give access to about 90% of the under-five population
  • 1.2 million children and pregnant and nursing women reached with nutritious food each year 
  • On average, around 2 million people per year reached with emergency food assistance
  • Multi-micronutrients supplementation coverage increased for pregnant and lactating women and 6-23 month old children
  • National Nutrition Strategy and Action Plan for 2014-18 and Technical Guidelines for treatment of acute malnutrition developed
  • Nutrition education counselling package introduced in maternity hospitals in 10 provinces
  • Six local factories produced fortified cereals and biscuits for distribution to more than 1 million vulnerable children and women
  • Improved seed production increased by 20-25 % and international seed quality standards increased from 13 to 20 % at seed production farms
  • Post harvest losses were reduced by at least half at 6 cooperative farms in pilot project, enough for 6,800 persons for a year
  • Support to increased production of vegetables, fruits, reduction in trans-boundary animal disease outbreaks, increased fish production, increased forest cover, increased cultivated areas under rehabilitated irrigation system, conservation agriculture and increased mechanization

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