Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Strategic Priority Two: Social Development Services

Strategic Priority Two: Social Development Services

Strategic Priority Two: Social Development Services

The United Nations Strategic Framework aims at achieving five key outcomes for social development services:
  • Sustained and equitable universal health coverage with emphasis on primary health care especially for the most vulnerable and in remote areas.
  • Enhanced services to address communicable and non-communicable diseases, maternal and childhood diseases especially those experienced by the most vulnerable women and children.
  • Strengthened health emergency preparedness and response capacity.
  • Coordinated, equitable and sustainable WASH coverage in households, learning institutions and health facilities, especially the most underserved.
  • Improved quality and equity in pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education and in technical and vocation education and training.

Planned activities

Through targeted support, the United Nations assists the Government to:

- in health
Support development and implementation of a national sexual reproductive health strategy
Advocate for expansion of choice for family planning (method mix) and informed family planning decision-making
Strengthen institutional capacity to deliver high quality sexual reproductive health services at national and sub-national levels, including:
professional development for midwives and obstetricians
capacity to undertake maternal death surveillance and response
Provide essential life-saving sexual reproductive health supplies and drugs, including provinces vulnerable to natural calamities
Support evidence based interventions such as Early Induced Breastfeeding / Early Breastfeeding
Focus Integrated Management of Newborn and Child illnesses on major causes of under-five mortality in 50 counties, providing essential medicines and basic equipment
Deliver immunization services in all counties
Conduct a Expanded Programme on Immunization Coverage Evaluation Survey
Conduct a Electronic Vaccine Monitoring assessment – 2018
Deliver preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for tuberculosis
Support enrolment of multi-drug resistant TB cases
Introduce a ‘service package’ for each level of the health care delivery system
Further strengthen the delivery of maternal, reproductive and child health services
Integrate prevention, diagnosis and management of Non-Communicable Diseases and their risk factors at Ri level
Further develop country capacity to mitigate and response to emergencies including epidemic and pandemic prone diseases

- in WASH:
Improve access to sustainable clean water supplies, ensure water qualities, promote improved sanitation and hygiene practices, including safe management of excreta in 8 counties
Support complement local resources to establish gravity-fed water systems in 9 counties
Develop guidance on gender standards in WASH

Selected achievements

Increased Immunization coverage from 43% in 1998 to 96% 2016 and introduction of new vaccines
Consolidation and expansion of the National Tuberculosis Control programme and pre-elimination of malaria in DPRK
Expansion of Community Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses
Expansion of e-Health system including Health Management Information System
Expansion of sexual reproductive health services and introduction of guidelines
Development of essential package of Services for Household Doctors and Midwives
Improvement in technical capacity of household doctors, midwives, and health care worker/providers and managers at all levels
Improvement of the Logistics Management System across the country

Water assessments in 45 counties completed
New improved “Harmless Sanitary Toilet” (rural latrine) introduced
Technical capacity building of County/ Ri level WASH technicians on GFS system
Construction of water supply systems, mainly gravity fed systems in county town and villages
Promotion of improved sanitary facilities and hygienic behaviors
Emergency support of WASH kits and rehabilitation of WASH services

Early Learning development standards developed and adopted nationwide kindergarten in 2015
Introduction of child friendly school framework and child centred teaching
Comprehensive quality interventions in boarding schools
Midwifery curriculum revised in line with international standards and introduced on pilot basis
Initiation of under-graduate programme in demography at the Population Institute, Kim Il Sung University
Curriculum reform for maths and English for school

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